When Evil Seems to Prevail.

Newton.  A word forever marked.  Branded.  Tattooed in our heads.  With images of dead children. Children and death. Painful.  Synonymous. The world seemingly.  Unjust.  Why some.  Wake children.  And hold them close this morning. While others will not. And as mere men, we reason.  Try to unscramble the, “Why’s”.  Justify.  Unthought of behaviors with.  Psychology.  Bad […]

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Do You Know Who You Are? Really?

Walking out the door as a child, my mom would always shout out from the front porch steps, “Remember who you are!” And as a teen, I drove away speedily….from both my mom…and that question. Yet, I could still hear her voice long in the distance…..“Remember who you are.”   And to be frank. I had no idea […]

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What if?

Faith.  The faith fight.  The topic of my life.  Yet, faith is believing in something we can’t see. But, what if…. What we see….with spiritual eyes….has. Is. Has always been….more real than what we see with the flesh? What if the temporal is more like a box we’re trapped in? …..And we mourn for and ache […]

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