The One Place You Will Always Find God?

I have been running to mountain tops lately.  Trying to spot Jesus.  Trying to get all that He has got. Striving my way.  To redemption. Yet, as I rest. And talk to Him.  Communing with The One who has all the answers. He speaks to me…. “My glory is found in weak people.  Contrite places.  Not […]

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The Gift From An Ice Blue Eyed Homeless Man.

I got her alone.  My one day short of six year old daughter. Swinging arms.  Holding hands.  Old and young.  Dark and light skinned. Linked. In a love just as strong as any blood ties. Walking down isle.  Laughing.  Street vendor carelessly playing. But this time…. Careless to what people see.  Loving completely.  This little one […]

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