When the Year is Simply Calling You to More

The door creaks shut on the prior year, and I have never had “a word” before…never wanted to, really. Call me rebellious, but I don’t like doing things just for the sake of doing things….especially things that are meant to have meaning.  Like words.  And God.  And spiritual things. And to be honest, God never just “gave […]

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The Only Resolution that Matters

We have all heard the saying, “The only thing that’s predictable is that life is unpredictable.” Today I tap these keys starring at rain. A few days ago was sunny.  A week before, the ground was white with grace. A winter wonderland. Many seasons can happen in the strangest and shortest of spaces.  Still, if we […]

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How Can You Change Your World this 2012?

When my husband and I were first married, we would sit…just the two of us….and write out our New Year’s Resolutions on whatever piece of paper jumped out before us.  Sometimes our dreams for the coming year were written on notebook paper, sometimes grocery lists, sometimes computer paper. It didn’t matter.  All that mattered was that […]

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