What does it Means to be a “good” Mother? 11 Children Later.

What does it mean to be a “good” mother?  I have often asked and wondered. Going into parenting, 19 years ago, I was oblivious to it’s description. I boiled rice. Burnt toast. Struggled with the all night need to rock and hold my babies.  And not sleeping, of course. I had no idea how to wash […]

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Daughter: What You Have Taught Me

My daughter….you have taught me….It’s all about the eyes.  Not the circumstances….but how we see life….that counts. Your favorite saying…. “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass…but learning how to dance in the rain.” And I recall tiny feet…..Leading ballet class….on your own little dance routine….across hard gym floor. You have always danced […]

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