The Gift From An Ice Blue Eyed Homeless Man.

I got her alone.  My one day short of six year old daughter. Swinging arms.  Holding hands.  Old and young.  Dark and light skinned. Linked. In a love just as strong as any blood ties. Walking down isle.  Laughing.  Street vendor carelessly playing. But this time…. Careless to what people see.  Loving completely.  This little one […]

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Rugged Beauty

You brought me flowers today.  With roughened hands…from labors years.  Once manicured. Tended.  Cared for. Now, living sacrifices of surrender… Love put not in words, but acts of service. Gifts of endearment. The hours of hands labor.  Early mornings before sun wakes and the world arises… Hands with worn away layers, callouses from life’s lament. Yet, […]

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