Crucifying “Perfect”. And When Meals Go Haywire.

Dishes clank.  The smell of red peppers and onions sizzle over the stove.  With garlic. Oven beeps. The aroma of sweetness fragrances our home.  Blending harmoniously, delightfully with the scent…of family. Each chair.  Taken.  Except the one empty. The one where the child of our hearts sat. The one waiting…for another. And we laugh.  Bellies roaring. […]

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Sickness. And the Cheshire Cat.

There is nothing like laying flat on your back for two days straight to put your mind in perspective. For sometimes standing straight up and plowing full force forward can delude ourselves to what we think we need to do…. And as my brother who has a large ministry for troubled teens continually says, “Humility isn’t […]

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The One Place You Will Always Find God?

I have been running to mountain tops lately.  Trying to spot Jesus.  Trying to get all that He has got. Striving my way.  To redemption. Yet, as I rest. And talk to Him.  Communing with The One who has all the answers. He speaks to me…. “My glory is found in weak people.  Contrite places.  Not […]

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A Confession of Resurrecting, Idols of “Expectations”

Ever uncover an idol?  No, really?  A real life, without a doubt, idol? I have. “Expectations.” See.  Like the golden calf. I keep formulating my own personal visions.  When the path seems black.  And I cannot see.   Yes, God may start my journey.  As I tread boldly out into open waters.  But then, somehow. Somewhere along […]

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Ponderings from the Pond 4: The Voice of God.

Sitting down with the Lord. This time.  Just doesn’t suffice.  So I open the doors.  And am carried outside. Where God speaks best. Armed with camera.  Total abandonment.  And rejoicing in the goodness of God.  Seeing my son returning after nine months on missions. Passing by.  Fire pit.  But God-eyes see it different.  This time.  An […]

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