The Hippie In The Grocery Store

Drudging through the grocery store with kids. All wanting to be anywhere but here. And I search for spices that revive my spirit.  Amongst the chaos of it all. Needing tranquility to awaken my senses.  In this deadness of winter. And I see him.  A tall, type.  Hippy fellow. And he looks quite like me.  Hungry […]

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God Speaks

Driving past fields.  Farms.  Settlements well worn.  From pain staking, sweat earned….difficult years. Trying to clear head….                 Find rest from puzzles with sharp edges.                 And I recollect their beauty. …Any building still standing must have a strong foundation. And emotions surge.               As I grip all I have got.                           Fragments.                                    Pulled apart….And I ask…               Why is vision […]

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