One Minute Can Change Everything!

One minute.  Crowds cheering. Daughter rides peering.  Sitting on a convertible.  Waving to the crowds. Homecoming.  Princess. A little more than twelve hours later.  8: 50 a.m. in the morning.  Driving to Jazz Choir.  To sing the National Anthem. Turns out onto a busy street.  Gets swiped by a large truck.  Spins wildly. Out of control. […]

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How Can You Change Your World this 2012?

When my husband and I were first married, we would sit…just the two of us….and write out our New Year’s Resolutions on whatever piece of paper jumped out before us.  Sometimes our dreams for the coming year were written on notebook paper, sometimes grocery lists, sometimes computer paper. It didn’t matter.  All that mattered was that […]

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The Biker in Church Today

I see him.  Greeting time.  Standing in the back of the church.  Against the wall. Coffee.  Small talk.  People wondering….how long they must chat…..before sitting idol for service again. Tall one.  6 foot plus.  Long haired.  Giant.  Biker-like.  Straggly hair.  Leather wearing.  Intimidating one. Alone. No one introducing.  Not fitting in with….the one’s around him mindlessly […]

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Hei Matau: The Reason We Missed Our Plane

Sometimes you have one of those days…..where everything just seems to go wrong.  The day we left for L.A. was one of those days. We missed our plane.   Then, we learn, this new airline only departs for L.A. every five hours. So, we go back to retrieve our car.  Optimism slowly starving. And my spirit searches […]

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When Seasons Turn like Ferris Wheels

We close the door to summer. Sweet pictures in our minds. Of laughter, love, and leisure…..                                               Spinning ’round….                                                                          Like a Merry-go-round….                                                                                                                 In our minds. Beaches.             Barbeques.                             Volleyball.                                             Play Dates.   As labor of days enter peace moments…Sweeping summer away. Time has come….to jump on train of schedules. ….Hours filled with obligations. Chiseling time away like a […]

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