Ponderings from the Pond 5: Empty

This time it’s strange. Normally. I feel suffocated.  Go outside. To breath.  Feel alive again.  Go out empty. Needing filling. But, this day, I stroll outside.  Man made walls. With both hands full. Not empty. Camera in one hand. Disappointment in the other. Waking up to.  Coffee creamer.  Non-existent. Settling.  With Chai Tea and light Vanilla Soy Milk. […]

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Leaving The Trail. And Hearing the Heartbeat of God.

Took a walk today. With my two youngest. Down the trail.  Through the woods….to hear the heart beat of God. It beat as a broken little girl took my hand.  And called me, “mom”..…though I am not. It beat as my littlest skipped and danced, constantly finding such beauty around her.  Wide eyed.  Open arms.  Off […]

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The Gift on 1 year Blog Anniversary.

I am not sure what woke me. Strolling closely to the double french doors staring from my canopy bed. Peering over the balcony rail.  Groggy. Foggy in my head. I spot them. Tendering walking.  Fluffy tails. Strolling as if the night before, they didn’t hear gun shots, or barking dogs, or lawn mowers eating tall blades […]

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