When You Are Called to “Give Your Life Away”. And UNITE

I trim off the dangling threads from my well-worn Bill Blass carry-on. The ones still reaching to grip China, from the last time I left it… But couldn’t hold on. I bow my head, taking scissors, cutting the airline tag saying, Hong Kong. And the bars keeping aching eyes back, whip through my head…still piercing my […]

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When Your Shrinking Dink Life Heats Up

You know something is wrong, when you eat chocolate for breakfast. And not just bite sized.  Lady like. Hershey kisses kind of helpings.  But a big, with almonds, kind of chocolate bar. Sitting.  Feeling like a Shrinky Dink.  Stuck inside a oven.  Heat turned on.  High setting.  And somehow, required to grow in it.  So big. […]

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A Confession of Resurrecting, Idols of “Expectations”

Ever uncover an idol?  No, really?  A real life, without a doubt, idol? I have. “Expectations.” See.  Like the golden calf. I keep formulating my own personal visions.  When the path seems black.  And I cannot see.   Yes, God may start my journey.  As I tread boldly out into open waters.  But then, somehow. Somewhere along […]

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The One Thing That Determines Your Destiny

I have heard it said, “What you read, where you go, and who your friends are will determine who you become.” And I am not too sure.  But, I know. I have learned to pick my literary choices and my friends very carefully.  Because I thought, education was my redemption.  And from a girl who struggled […]

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When the World is Blind……God Sees.

They sit there alone.  Untouched.  As time catches them….passes away….the days of their lives. Empty. Hands fail to grip much.  Mothers love.  Fingers gripping for any hope of touch. These.  The forgotten ones. And yet, each with a story.  And, it’s easy to think…..because we are far.  Have lives. These images of children need not consume […]

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We Could Use Your Help….Yes, You!

One week. I am leaving…. To China. As I hear of…. Children sleeping… On plywood. No pillows. Handicapped children…. Without limbs.  Cleft lips.  Disabled. Babies…lying on the floor.  Never picked up. Bottles strapped to their head by cloth. And I know I can’t step foot inside this orphanage… Without the grace of God. Because without Him… […]

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