Why I am ProLife 110%.

With all the ruckus in the news about abortion options ending, I can’t say I attest. I am a Christian and to say that life does not begin at conception would be a false confession.  But please know, by circumstance, throughout my life, I am a witness to both abortion and life choices. I still remember, […]

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His Healing Touch

The first words out of my mouth when I saw her was…. “She is dead”. Lifeless head.  Body wrapped in blankets a mile high. Her skin transparent….. Weighing somewhere around five pounds.  This delicate shell lay there…. On plywood. Screaming one.  Beside her.  Face born open between nose and mouth. Cleft lip. The cry of a […]

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Exposed Infants and a Call to Parent

I was completely broken by Michelle’s post over at Gathering the Lambs this past week. She is a fellow foster parent and adoptive parent who has opened her home and heart with loving arms. Please read the shocking statistics in her town about foster care over at….Gathering The Lambs. I know from experience…my city is no […]

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Exposed Babies Needing Hope

Foster Parents. Taking on the task…of caring for the weak, the young…the outcast.   Eight years now.  Babies mostly. Preemies.  Babies exposed to crack and meth amphetamines. A heartbreaking journey…at times. But also beautiful…..A place where God’s grace most definitely resides. His voice clear, along our journey.  It’s Him who picks each child that enters our family.   […]

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