What King Kong & Your Faith Have in Common

“You are in the hand of God,” I hear Him say. And I see myself laying prostrate. Alone.  Like Ann Darrow.  In the hand of King Kong.  There.  Above. Gripping tight. Holding on.  Eyes shut.  Filled with uncertainty in this darkness of night.  Yet, I know that there….In the palm of the Living God….Is the safest place to […]

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Is Jesus Who He Said He Was?

I woke up with a thought….. “Jesus professed to be God”.   And how no one….not Mohammed, or Buddha, or Gandhi, or Moses….. Ever said that they were in fact, Christ. And yet, Jesus professed…. He has been with God from the beginning of time. (John 17:5) And He was crucified because His claim didn’t change.  (John […]

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