Why the Enemy HATES Women

Pierced lips and eyelids contort as eyes burn with red blazing at the recent verdict. Roe vs. Wade overturned.

Clips of people threatening, demanding, sending letters which include blood from their uterus’, as a message to Supreme Court Justices.

Children in their thirties, on hands and knees tantruming like toddlers. Tears saying this is the end to mixed relationships, life as we know it, and everything good in the world if we aren’t allowed to kill unborn children?

And yet, the world is outraged at our calloused regard for human life. They have followed our wild Hollywood claims that casual sex is acceptable and acts of selfishness mean “strong or independent”.

Then, I open up Scripture. I see Joseph, a man who didn’t create or ask to parent the infant, Jesus. Yet, after earnestly seeking, thinking his relationship was over…

“The Lord appeared to him in a dream…saying, ‘Do not be afraid”.

See, the raising of another person’s baby is never a feat taken on easily. The call to rise up in general wasn’t modeled by the first man Adam who poisoned all of humanity by his indifference or disregard for Eve.

The enemy, more than anything, hates women. He hates them because they can produce, create, and bring life…something he, though satan, cannot do.

Above all else, SATAN HATES LIFE. And it is clear, He has wanted to destroy it from the beginning of time.

Still, God has come to bring life and life more abundantly, but Satan’s main plan is to steal, KILL & destroy. (John 10:10)

And some say, when it comes to the flipping, making what was taken, turn back to goodness….Scripture is irrelevant.

Yet, where if not here in the biggest decision, the one to live or to die, is the Bible not most valuable? Most relevant? The one thing we should look upon…

In a world where good is bad, and bad is good?

And even still, you may hate Scripture or think it irrelevant. Yet, who can deny a beating heart, eyelashes or fingernails on the tiniest of lives, tucked safe in the cacoon of a Mother’s womb?

Who can look at an ultrasound and say, it’s a women’s choice to stop the breath of the one most needing her?

The enemy HATES women.

Because he can only model, taunt, mock or echo what another has created.

Only God creates. The enemy cannot.

And it enrages him that he can only counter the things God has already done.

The enemy cannot bring life from a womb, put the universe in motion, or form a human….

Giving life comes from only the perfect and most miraculous partnership between God and a woman.

So, if the enemy cannot birth anything beautiful, his second plan is to destroy it.

From before the foundations of this earth, the enemy has hated the praises of everything good God created.

In fact, he was kicked out of heaven because he wanted the worship he knew only God deserved.

He steals, that’s what the enemy does.

And women?

He knows they are powerful with purpose! They are reproducing miracles modeling the image of God…

Their very own bodies emulate the birthing and life God has given to each of us…

  • Nothing to something.
  • Small and dependent to strong and beautiful.
  • Weak and innocent to full blown with purpose.

He has pursued us with His everylasting, life-givng love and called us to nurture what He has created.

And so, if the enemy cannot take out the entire women race because of God’s grace…

He twists and corrupts and deceives women into believing, birthing children is not important, raising, nurturing and caring for the living has not the value that it actually does.

He stops women from partnering with their husbands, running with their dreams and from supporting the manifestation of all God has giving the first Adam, through Eve.

He manipulates women into thinking, careers have more value than motherhood. Self-interests will bring more pleasure and fulfillment than nestling a child in her arms.

He stops the creation of individuals by enticing women into believing strength is taking, not giving, and beauty is robbing instead of surrendering.

And yet, He knows, the human race will stop existing the moment we disintigrate the desire of women to become parents, in one form or another.

But then, he twists further.

He tries to get a population believing that men can have babies too. Men are soft and not strong, their nurturing can mistakenly replace the call of a women.

When in reality, God has a structure. He is calling men back to care for, lead, rise up and oversee their families like Joseph in Scripture.

If we knew the type of war we were in….If we could see what God sees in this situation….One where adults, like children, are crying, stomping, and demanding the blood from uterus’ through abortions…

We would grieve the way that He is grieving.

We would ache for life and not stay silent when women are not only destroying their God-given purpose, but demanding other women do too.

We would wail that others we love have been partnering with satan, in the relinquishment of God’s destiny over their lives.

On my blog, I have always fought for children; those who have had no voice of their own. And I will not stop now.

Who of us will cry out for the execution of those who have no voice?

And if it really is, “My body, my choice”….When does an infant have the right to say whether he or she wants to live or not?

Who are we to say what is done to another beating heart? And when it must stop?

Will the baby with two fingers glued together, be relinquished like I have seen in Ch*na, because she is not perfect? Can we let gender selection keep happening, in nations many live in…

Does a child have to die, because it is a girl? Where is the justice in all of that? And when does the child ever have a right to choose?

I mean, who do you think is the mastermind behind the lies that we are in control? We get to choose? We can play god and take a life at will?

Let’s compare and contract.

Christianity is about submission and surrender….Giving up our own lives for the good of other people.

It is about humility and acceptance of God’s will. Losing control and placing the reigns of our life in His control.

The occult, satanism and everything that is evil, says that we can do whatever we want without regard to other people.

It says, we have control over our own destiny. We have the power to make our own decisions. We have choices, regardless of how it hurts other people…

We are the pilots of our own ship, nobody else can rob us from our will…Regardless of how damaging it might be to another individual.

And isn’t that what we are seeing on social media. Ragging pink haired people, demanding their rights to do what they want, even at the expense of hurting another person?

People with flames ragging from their eyes, demanding the very right to kill their own child?

Women being deceived into rejecting and even hating the miracle God has given us as women, the gift of reproduction?

Have we not studied cultures of past? Belief systems that destroy what’s not wanted, throw infants in the fire and go to mountaintops and make sacrifices of human blood for false gods that can do nothing?

Evil always wants a sacrifice from us.

But Jesus Christ already shed his blood, so we need not require the blood of another.

A child is not a curse. An unborn infant shouldn’t be hated, untolerated, or even destroyed at the enjoyment of evil running rampant.

Life is precious, it has been since God placed Jesus, unplanned, in his mother Mary’s womb. 

Mary didn’t “ask to be pregnant”, yet she accepted it as God’s will. In like return, Joseph humbled himself at the revelation that God knows better than we do.

Women are a gift, a blessing. And that includes the children who are female.

Won’t we consider women’s lives…Those hearts beating and kicking, in their mothers womb? And ask God to help us see as He sees?

Perhaps, He knows better than we do?

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  1. Wow! Thank you for this powerful post. I never thought about the connection between Satan and not being able to create life and how that makes him come after women even more than men. You have given me a lot to think about.

  2. Powerful truth dear friend!!
    Passionate post indeed.
    My heart agrees.
    God bless your gift with words that you may always proclaim His Truth

  3. Wow…just wow! I love how you presented this!

    Truth is truth, whether we like it or not!

    My heart breaks every time I learn about the further erosion of God’s design for the family.

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