Light For Those Who Are Lonely

I was a lonely child. Some days, I even sat, peering past my lace curtains to the black, night sky, hoping to see that star shining back at me.

And although I was too young to know some fixed luminous point in the sky was not the Savior of the World…

That star somehow gave me comfort and hope.

And as an adult, don’t worry…I know God, not some star, is my sole salvation.

At the same time, too often, I can become busy and self-sufficient, walking past the host of stars blanketing the sky above me out where I live, here in the country.

The Magi can teach us, as well as Jesus who said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

Intellectually, we know who illuminates the heavens, came in a manger, and how scripture says, “He is with us always, even unto the end of the age.” (Matt. 28:20)

Yet, it can be easy to implode in business, lose track of the Morning Star, get self-sufficient, and not lean completely, in faith and trust on Him.

Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven as a man who was willing to sell all he had to buy the field that holds, the treasure of great price. (Matt 13:44)

dscn9162And yet, have I really grasped the Great Sacrifice worth selling all for?

Let’s be honest, Jesus can seem far in the hustle and bustle of life, and it can be challenging…

(Click on over, HERE, for the full article, “Light for the Lonely”.)

Today, I am writing over at Missional Women. You likely know them; Laura Krokos, Lily Dunbar, along with so many other amazing women!

Will you come join us, here?

Praying your season is starting wrapped fully in His presence. In all of this business, what better present could we give ourselves than to be still, hearts near the one who made us!?

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1 Comment

  1. You will always be a light for the lonely Jen… you just can’t turn that bright light of your life OFF.
    Much Love.

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