When Enough is Never Enough

Today, I want to take you on a journey.  A journey that started at a place called, “Risk Rejection”.  It’s about a girl, willing to be 65brave, vulnerable, candid, daring.  It’s about hearts catching her vision and wanting to leap in faith with her, because she has first bravely, shown us the way.

It’s about daring, bold, living large…stepping out of the comfort we all so politely pad our lives with…

It’s about looking at the world with upside-down eyes.  Asking, if “stuff” really does satisfy.  It’s about shedding this life of greed and more importantly the heart of “more” our minds, eyes, or neighbors insist we are needing.

It’s about teaching our children how to be real, vulnerable, selfless, generous, in a world that often lives the opposite.

O.K. so today is a special day.  Why you ask?  Because it’s the day my friend, Amy Sullivan  releases her new book, “When More Is Not Enough: How to Stop Giving Your Kids What They Want, and Start Giving Them What They Need.”

And because sometimes, there is that book you pick up, read through a chapter or two, then set down and never pick up again.  It might be too slow, boring, depressing, or irrelevant.  But let me assure you friends…..This is NOT one of them.

If you haven’t visited Amy lately, she is that blogger with the perfect combinations of funny, witty, down-to-earth authenticity. 

When you read her writing, it is like sitting down with the most genuine friend….you know, the one who have known for years…possibly decades.

And I don’t know about you, but I find that when you pick up a book that challenges us to be better parents, it can be a little sketchy, offending, or even a little depressing.

But Amy (a true teacher) grows us (her readers) by weaving in a casual, yet well skilled voice: her experiences, well-balanced scripture and wisdom, tossed with doses of gut wrenching humor, (which is never over-reaching, but delightfully refreshing and welcomed).

Amy is the kind of girl who doesn’t strive hard to put herself up on a platform, but get’s low and whispers soft to those heart willing and wanting to learn.  Even more brilliantly, Amy uses laughter instead a crow-bar to pry open our hearts.

We read her writings, then find ourselves sitting on the other side of her words; challenged, vulnerable, and ready to answer the call to be more than we were before.  And the cool part?  We didn’t even know or see this eagerness to change coming.

Amy is the kind of girl you want to go have coffee with, her voice conversational, thoughtful.  A rare, one of a kind gem, in a world full of cubic zirconium.

With a formula for that…how can a reader go wrong?

So, today, I am not taking up space, but pointing you to an amazing read that is guaranteed to challenge your family to be better, more generous, more balanced in our selflessness than ever before.

Need the link to check out, “When More Is Not Enough”, again?  You can find it, here.


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  1. Well, my kids are well-grown-up at this point, but this book sounds like a wonderful read for some of the women I know that still have children at home. We need some sage advice to counter the input of a world woefully skewed in its value system. I’ll keep Amy’s book in mind!


    (I don’t have grandkids yet, or I’d be giving this book to my family!)

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