When You’re Asked to Take a Leap Of Faith.

We stand on the edge of awaiting waters.  Like children, looking for our Father. Anticipating the splash of expectancy.  Others watching.

And it is in childhood that we learn to trust our Daddy’s arms.  They are gentle, yet strong.  Reaching out to catch us, even if we jump a little to the right or left.

And when we are younger, we fear getting our head’s wet.  We may enjoy the water, but may insist part of us stay up-lifted….so that we can see, we can hear, without full submersion into a pool with no oxygen.

It is then, we know we are not fully grown trust yet.

But as we grow.  As we learn that our Father’s arms won’t let go.  We jump ever freely, ever carelessly, because we know……

He is always looking our way.  Always waiting expectantly, for our faith leap.

And as our trust grows, so does the board….getting higher and higher.…from which He asks us to leap.

Will you jump? He asks lovingly.  Still there. Waiting.  With open arms.

And while the side of the pool is not so scary, easy to crawl back on with one leg reaching.  A high dive, once leaped from, has no reverse button.  No rewind.

Once you leap from high places there is no return.

And two things strike me about our faith-leap….

1)  There is no half leaping, half faith.  Half trust in our Father’s arms.  Either we do or don’t trust Him.  And once we take that first step, we are committing.

The higher the leap, the greater the faith.

2)  To jump, I mean, really jump in faith….we must see that God is not all Lion….all strength….

He is also the lamb.

For if we don’t see our God as being tender, soft, humble. We just won’t trust the landing.  We might think that our entry will be jagged.  So, we stay on the water’s edge.  Always watching.

Yet,  I want to be like the giants of old. Running.  Leaping.  Off every cliff.  Boldly.  Freely.  Eyes closed.

For sometimes seeing hinders the doing.  The looking at the waves.  Watching
with mind’s eye, contemplating the leaping.

And it seems.  The longer we wait, when asked to leap.  The longer we rationalize with human minds, the less we are likely to actually get in the water.

Yet, He wants us to see with the eyes of our hearts.  Leap with what they call….Blind Faith.

Blind faith that says, my Father is below.  He is always there.  And no matter whether I fall clumsily, or jump in perfect, flawless formation…..

He will catch me.

For it’s not how we jump, but if we jump.  It’s not how high we leap from, but if we trust…..

The only one always waiting.  There to catch us.

Below.  With open arms of love.

(Linking with EmilyTracy)

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  1. I love the song “Dive” by Steven Curtis Chapman…there are NO half leaps…there is NO half faith…hot or cold…never lukewarm…but, boy is that hard to actually do. It requires 100% trust in Him…Thank you so much for your post. It was very refreshing!

  2. Gisela – I love that song too! And I so agree…hard to live, leaping, completely trusting in Him, always! But oh the reward when we do!

  3. Hi Jen! I have found that the scariest leaps are the ones where I can’t see the other side. But the Lord likes to challenge, doesn’t he?

    I also love that song “Dive” like Gisela. Easy to sing, hard to do! But so worth it.

    I really was inspired by that photo of the boy in mid-air. Go for it!

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