When Churches Fall Indestructible

I buckle over at the photos on my screen.  God’s house…up in flames.

Egypt. The tyranny of it all.

I hear how Christians are hiding their cross necklaces, scribbling out the crucifix tattoos on their wrists, in hopes to hide from the Brotherhood pursuing them.

Many remain locked indoors…fearing the percussion of an angry mob.  A people bent on destruction.

And I grieve the house of God going up in flames.  I know His blood and how He gave it sacrificially, humbly, willingly…for “the church”.

I honor the buildings.  As I have stepped into some incredibly holy places in my time…

  • Like in Peru, South America. Gold plated. Steeples reaching high into the heavens.  Saints and ceilings so tall, they echo the voice of the people.  Yet, no one dares to speak in them….They just seem so holy.
  • And then there is China.  Stained glass. Pictures lining the wall.  White men who answered the call and came and sacrificed-willingly gave their lives so that Chinese could hear, the gospel. Crosses and alters and gold plated iron, confession boxes.

I couldn’t imagine those glorious places set on fire.

Yet, in my heart ache, I hear the voice of another, brushing gently across my sorrow.

“I can’t be kept in buildings.  I reside in the hearts of individuals.  You are the temple of the Living God.  All my children…a holy priesthood, a resting place, a dwelling place for my Holy Spirit..”

I step back a bit.  “Holy?”  I grimace at the thought of how I have treated myself (or haven’t treated myself lately)  “A temple?”

My mind can’t comprehend it.

But then I think back to other individuals hiding in an upper room.  Men fearing Roman’s wildly scavenging the land for them. Likely much like what’s been taking place in Egypt.

Even Peter, fear overtook him, which led him into hiding, after self-preservation lead him to deny Jesus.

And yet, these cowardly men.  These least likely people, trembling in fear, filled with rejection….were about to experience the power that UNITED them all  They were about to encounter a God who resides not in temples made by human hands, confined by pathetic man-made walls.

These weak vessels, these mere, so called disciples, were about to rise up in power, walking in the fullness of the gifts God had for them.

And I wonder if when we hide too.  When we run from or flee God.  If that’s when He, despite our ignorance….is most about to rescue us?

Blessed in Hebrew is “Baruch” 
Insinuating, “being hunted down and pursued by the favor of the Lord.”

And imagine friends….God calls us blessed.  We have a God who loves us, who hunts us down, who pursues us, even if we deny Him. Even if we take off our necklaces, and try to rub off the tattooing and imprinting of God himself.

Scripture tells us that even when we are faithless…He is faithful.

And I still ache for those suffering in Egypt…those persecuted in many nations for the sake of the gospel.  I love the church and what it represents.

“However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands.” Acts 7:48
“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Acts 17:24-25 
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.” 1 Cor 6:19-20
I read an article the other day that said…
“Pastors who followed the trend a few years ago by building multi-thousand people auditorium style churches, are now regretting it.  More than ever, church buildings are being abandoned.”
And some might contest, saying this is because Christianity is leaving our land.  But I wonder if maybe it’s because people are starting to grasp the fullness of the gospel.  The reality that led John Wesley to the forest where he left stiff legalism dictated by men…hindering him from really encountering Jesus.  
Could it be, this wall-less believing, this Jesus-dwelling in us kind of belief system helps us point to where we were meant to be looking?  Not a building.  Not a leader.  Not a group of people….
But to God incarnate   The Resurrected Messiah, who died that we might have the fullness of the Holy Spirit in us.  
Could it be that though people are dying, church buildings are in ruins….And Christian’s are being persecuted throughout the middle east….
The church is more than a building? The true church is made up of the Spirit of the resurrected, living God…dwelling humbly in people.

And that is indestructible.

(Linking with JenTitusTracy)

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  1. So beautifully said. In an article by Rich Lowry called Burning Churches an Egyptian church spent the last 13 years building their church and they had just finished it when it was burnt down. What anguish the congregation must feel. I pray that they are strengthened in Jesus and may it not trigger a crisis of faith for them. May they know the truths you wrote about.

  2. I love what you have written here Jen; “The church is more than a building? The true church is made up of the Spirit of the resurrected, living God…dwelling humbly in people.” Amen! The church is the body of Christ, the family of God, and an assembly of people called out from the world to serve Christ and Unite! 1 Timothy 3:15 and Hebrews 3:6 tells us that we are God’s house. God lives in us! God organizes us. God puts his treasures in us!

    Thanks for sharing this sweet sister!
    Blessings and love,

  3. Oh, yes! He is fierce and strong and keeps His hands upon His children. I feel the pain you describe so very well, and I sense the call of our God to know Him more than anything. Know that He is God. Yes.
    I am grateful for your words today.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  4. Dear Jen
    I was just reading an article of James Fowler (Christ in You Ministires) that man’s’s body is a temple for a god to live in. Paul warned the Corinthians that they have the choice of allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell in their temples or the evil one!
    Blessings XX

    1. Mia – Good is so good to confirm His truths in multiple ways through multiple people and situations! Yes!! He…the God of the Universe…is alive and in us! So awesome to comprehend!

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