How to Flow Freely in Christ in a World Made of Stone.

I see her face.  The miracle I have been waiting to meet.  Her chest breathes, up and down, up and down.  And I rest in the fact that only God’s hand could have found her when He did.

Something happened the last time I went to China.  My me-eyes turned outward.  They began to see God’s children like He sees them.

Overflowing with grace, consumed by limitless love, the honor it was and is to care for the orphan.  Shifting out of martyrdom, away from my “I am a Savior” mentality, and into the heart of all Christianity…

Love.  Servanthood. Surrender.

The world severed from my Spirit…

“And whoever desires to be first among you must be your slave…Just as the Son of Man came not to be waited on but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”  Matthew 20:26-27.

Reading this a thousands times. Still unfolding it’s meaning.

Still owning, and tasting, and appreciating what it means to give all to another.

I see dust as I drive. Wind blowing it, in my mind.  And how freely it flows wherever the wind takes it.  It doesn’t contest, fight, or withhold from the flow of where God is moving.

And I read…

The wind blows (breathes) where it wills; and though you hear its sound,
 yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8

But, what if we won’t budge because we are filled with more than dust?  What if dirt of pain, rocks of offense, and self-will and insistence is weighing us down?  Would we find as the wind blows…that we can’t be carried?  We are too heavy?  We are too filled with the debris of our living?  How can we live by God’s grace then?  How can we do God’s will when we don’t know where He is leading?

So I empty myself with repentance.  Burst that ever growing bubble of self-will constantly growing to take over my spirit.  Looking into her infant eyes. Finding life in this miracle.  Seeing God’s goodness, His grace in each curl on her head….

Counting myself blessed.  

  • As emptying is filling.  
  • Losing is gaining. 
  • Giving is receiving.  
  • Last place is really first.

Taking it all in.  Folding clothes with the joy found in obedience.  Finding beauty in the mundane chores of servant hood.  His spirit near, real, so much more tangible ..when I am willing to lay myself down and trust that I can be dust and rest in the fullness of His Spirit.  Be dust in a world desperate for significance…

Knowing we are only something.  We are only made useful.  As we stop trying and give everything….Over to Jesus.  That’s when we really live.  That’s when the Spirit can carry us…

Like dust blowing freely…in a world made of stone….looking so long and frantically for life among useless stone.  

When the wind has been there all along, ready to carry us…

If we will be dust.  Trusting.  The One who only wants to give us…Life. Joy. Goodness. Beauty….

Regardless of where we have been.

(Linking with Michelle)

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1 Comment

  1. Yes to the lord althing are possible into living freely in joy can the HOly Spiriti help us and see vision with blessing and be open the wells of living water today again and eating best the food of heaven in Jesus name ,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden

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