UNITE in The Race. Marathon Tragedy.

Yards away.  Finish line looming.  Men. Women.  Young ones.  Training. Extensively.  For this day.

Sounds.  Lights.  Screams. Ending a long awaited hope, anticipated.

Still, another race is underway.  One where endurance is everything.  Strength.  Patience.  Perseverance.  Leads us to, the prize awaiting.

One where, everywhere we look…..people’s races are being cut short. Knees buckle.  Limbs get torn.  Others flea and run.  Away from their goal….just yards short of, the finish line.

Who cut in on their race?  They were running so well!  Who held them back from following the truth? (Galatians 5:7)

And unlike races meant to strengthen our physical core.  Can’t tragedy sometimes be a Spiritual metaphor?

In 2011, the Boston Marathon was derailed by Hurricane Sandy.  Many planning, preparing.  Flying into that area to compete and gain personal achievement.

But, the race failed to go on.

And sometimes, could it be?  Blessings arrive in storms?  Provision.  Protection.  Lie in the very thing we seem to be cursing God for?

Paul says, “He won!”  He kept the faith, He finished the race.  (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Paul finished his marathon, strong.  Will we?

For there is a real enemy, trying to thwart God’s destiny for us.  We can train.  Plan.  Have all the knowledge for a well-orchestrated race well lived.

But, if we don’t have our eyes fixed on the author and perfecter of our faith.  We too, will never finish the race set before us.

People will fall.  The world will make noise.  The enemy will plant bombs in
people lives, trying to distract us.

But friends.  I urge you!  Do not stop! Let nothing hinder you! 

Do not turn around when fear creeps up to rob you.  Do not let the enemy use tragedy, to keep you from getting across the finish line.

On Sunday, I went to church with my brother’s family.  They had us take a index card and write one word that might keep us from getting across the finish line.  The subject was fear.

Some wrote on their card, “job loss“. Some, “health issues”.  Other’s put, “worry”.  Still others, an “uncertain future”.

But, whatever we wrote, as individuals.  As a group.  A body of believers.  We took our fear.  Together.  And crumpled it.  Placing it in a bucket, as if giving it to Jesus.

And how much greater when we run, together.  All combating, the enemy of our souls.  All arms linked, running only, to get across the finish line…to our real home?

And what was the neatest thing?  After we discarded our fears, we exchanged
our fear card, with a card labeled, “PEACE”.

And this peace was ours to keep.  To take with us, all our lives…wherever our race takes us.

And as we UNITE today friends, I am asking.  Would you…

  • Encourage those who are limping.  
  • Encourage those whose legs are cramping, or who are weary in their race.  
  • Encourage those who seem distracted, by bombs exploding, unexpected.

Directing our Christian brothers and sister, to the glorious prize awaiting.  Point them to the finish line.  So they too can carry with them, faith rising….

Until we all reach, the hope of our glory awaiting.  

Real hope.  A hope that won’t be fading.

Even when bombs go off.  And the enemy attempts to use fear, to keep us from the finish line.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give as the world gives.  
Do not let your hearts be troubles and do not be afraid.”  ~  John 14:27

(Linking with Jen at Finding Heaven, Titus2Tuesdays)
Welcome to UNITE

If you want to run the race with us, saying, “I commit to finishing the race”.  Link up a post, any post, here.

Then, if you don’t mind, place the UNITE button, so that others too, can keep the faith, and finish the race.  As a great cloud of witnesses cheers us on! (Hebrews 12:21)

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  1. Jen, wow, I am so thankful for your powerful words, rich with his truth and encouragement. Yes, we will keep racing, keep following His lead. Grateful to be your neighbor at Jen’s this week, sister.

  2. Gail – Thanks so much for reflecting with me on all that has happened in Boston. Blessings!

    Jennifer – Glad to run alongside you, in this marathon to the finish line!

  3. Lyli – Absolutely! May our hope be, not in our power, or our strength…but in a faith that says, through this race, all belongs to the Lord. Thanks for commenting, friend!

  4. Encouragement is my passion, Jen. I love how you emphasized it. Encouraging the limping, weary, distracted… Our world needs a big dose of encouragement and I want to do my part.

  5. Barbara – So happy to hear your determination to finish strong, my friend!

    Jen – ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m with ya!

    Pamela – Love to hear you have the gift of encouragement! Let’s together spur each other on toward faith and good works…even more as the day approaches! Amen!?

  6. Beautiful, Jen. With our Abba’s help, and the help that we extend to those around us, we WILL finish this long, arduous race…putting aside everything that would want to trip us and cause us to give up the running…Only with His help.
    I’m so encouraged by this… thank you my friend for hearing the heart of God.
    I always look forward to your visits!
    Blessings to you, dear friend ~ Mary

  7. Alicia – So good to hear! The Word is always an encouragement, huh friend!?

    Mary – Me too! The hope of Him always comes through your words! Thank you!

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