What Compels You? Better Yet, WHO Compels You?

It’s the first day of sun.  In a land mostly soaked with moisture. My little one, goes on an adventure. Walking freely around our property.

She lines up treasures.  Simple rocks she has gathered, along the rail of our covered porch.

And there they sit.  Hiding under the shelter.  Staring at me.  As if almost crying out.  Wanting to speak a message I am not getting.

Then, these misplaced ones….

  • Found under unwanted mowers.  
  • Flower beds standing valiantly as if to taunt something as useless as a rock. 
  • Playgrounds flooded with life and kids.  A place simple rocks, who are dead, just shouldn’t be….

All get gathered in a bag.  And carried around by my six year old.  Knuckles turning bright red.  Smiles bursting.  At the joy of so many precious findings.

And this strange joy in something plain.  Dull.  Unwanted.  Grips me.  And I don’t know why.

All I know is….

  • She is not letting go.  
  • These are her golden nuggets.  
  • Her gifts she spent hours hunting for.  
  • Her valuables, that to some may seem useless…be to her, are the epitome of true happiness.

All clumped together. In a bag fuller than it can handle.  Gripped by the hand of the one that chose them…one by one.

And it isn’t until this morning.  Seven little words wrap around me.  Not letting go.  Until I understand them.

For the love of God compels us…”  ~  2 Cor 5:14

And again, I want to apply my western, culturally relevant understanding.  But all human wisdom does is taint scripture.  And I don’t want to spot his perfect, Holy Word….with my interpretation.

So, I read on. Hungry to study scripture.  And I find….

“Compel” in the Greek is not, “to draw us forward”…like I had thought.  
“Compel” is “Sunecho”, meaning, “to hold together”….”to grip tightly”.

And instantly, I see my tiny daughter’s fingers, wrapped around each smooth
finding.  Her palm holding her dear new possessions. The round treasures, she is not about to let go of.

Still, I study on….

“Sunecho” being such a tight grip.  
Confined.  Constrained.  Leaving no option. Holding us together.  
Not falling from one’s grip. So much so that there is no escape.

And how often do we think, it is us who let go.  That we can fall into a bed of rocks…..out of the Father’s hand.  Like scattered pieces of sand, along an ocean of empty doubt.  And that there is no way God sees us, or even wants us, because we have fallen so far out of His hand?

But, don’t we get it?  Why can’t I get it?  The concept of losing God, is as silly as a rock, growing breathe, and diving from the palm of my daughter’s hand.

After all, it is not us who find God, or us who keep God.  It is Him who wanders upon acres of His land, and specifically chooses us to be gripped tightly in His love.

And “Compel” or “Sunecho” describes not just any “rocks”…the shiniest or the best…..

The word describes…

  • The afflicted.  
  • Those with disease.  
  • Pain.  
  • One’s suffering from paralyzing fear.  
  • Those surrounded.  Crowds hemming them in.  Like Jesus’ soldiers drawing near to Him.  At His death.

Yet, it is there.  It is there in the place where we are most falling apart.  Most unseen.  Most afflicted.  Most distraught.  Where God’s love hold’s us closest to His heart.

It is there, where He picks us up.  Finds value in us.  Where He wraps His heart and hands around us….and calls us, not worthless.  But, chosen.

And as my tiny one clings to her bag of gifts.  I see them different this time.  Different.  Useful.  Almost alive.  And as I look at her, I see….not just a child….but the very heart of God.

A heart that seeks out the displaced ones.  The neglected ones.  The unwanted. Finding irresistible value, in the most common.

And I too want to be like her.  Want to be like God….

Knowing, it is through our greatest trials.  Through our deepest weakness.  Through the worst type of suffering….

Then, most of all….

The love of God “compels” (holds together, tightly grips) us.

(Linking with Tracy @ Winsome WednesdaysThankful ThursdayProverbs 31)

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