Faith and a Backpack.

Just stumbled off the plane after a twelve hour flight.  Eight days full of almost non-stop traveling.  People.  Raw.  Emotions.  Surfacing.  Brimming over in delight.

China still burning in my heart bright.  And I am processing so much.  The faces of so many children.  Two orphanages.  An amazing ministry servicing children, disabled.

And I walk as if in a fog.  Struggling to UNITE, my thoughts and this American culture I have just stepped back into.  Reluctant.

Rules.  And duty.  Silly, superficial prestige.  Schedules.  Plans.  So many “need to’s”….


A weak. Completely abandoned heart.  Led by His Spirit.

A podcast, Paul Washer, on the plane ride home.  And David Platt’s new book, “Follow Me: A Call to die.  A Call to Live.” God carefully pre-ordained.  Helping make things clearer.

Some think it’s easier to live out faith in America.  
But, I tell you, it is easy to disciple and be a disciple, living in a tent along the Amazon River.  
The jungle doesn’t possess glimmering shopping malls, and nice cars, and big houses, like in America.

Yes, Christianity is easy in a land barren from temptations.  It’s in the land of abundance that lines blur, lives cross, people get lost for meaning….

The true, real, raw meaning of what we were made for, the reality of the cost of being a child of God.

And I struggle, just hours fresh back in the land of chaos.  Feeling the weight of “have too’s” wanting to entangle the purity of the gospel I experienced in China.

But, by grace, as I process and weigh it all.  And ask God to show me how to be a full blown, sold out Christian in a land where idols beckon me to be their god….

I trust.  Trust God to UNITE the beautiful holiness of hearts burning for a gospel, like in China….


This complacent, superficial, compromising lure, calling us to water down the reality of a life lived for Jesus.

And in it all, I bring these pieces.  And ask Him to align my heart to His perfect understanding.  Overflowing with the abundance of what He did…..

As simply two mom’s, hungry for God, left everything.  Got our bags.  Walked through China.  And saw God lead, in a way words almost defile and taint the meaning….

As God moved in a way most would never believe.  If I were to tell you.

And as I process.  Look for a way to UNITE China, this new emerging, re-birthed one, found in wandering places, with a culture sold out to so many false gods….

I would love for you to join me at UNITE.  And by the grace of God, in weeks coming, I will get to share the miracles of what God has done.  From this simple mom.  God hungry. Looking for a way to glorify God.

With nothing but a backpack.  A faith unshaken.  And a heart to see God move….

In China.  And in America.    

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  1. Jen, I love how you keep a fiery zeal for God always in your heart; you are one determined lady who doesn’t rest until the job is done! You give eagerly according to your ability and even beyond…welcome home!

    Blessings and hugs friend,

  2. Dear Jenn
    I am so excited for you! I know it is not going to be easy, but I will keep on praying for you for wisdom on how to bring Pappa’s love to these little ones. I have found that adversity is the best way to teach us how to depend on Pappa for everything! Blessings to you, sweet friend!
    Much love

  3. Confession: I am deathly afraid of traveling to places like China. I am not sure why, but it is very interesting for me to read your words here. I’m going to let them sink in.

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