When Seasons Disappoint.

Everywhere I turn, “Martha Stewart” type pictures sting. Taunt.  Patronize.  Sky high Christmas trees. Presents flowing…covering the floor of what others might call the perfect season.

While our tree sits.  Undecorated.

Presents everywhere. Hats.  New shoes.  Photos.  Santa.  Snow globes.  Lights.  Christmas cards with photos of families. Unflawed.

While our cards sit.  Untouched.  Foster daughter.  Fighting suicidal thoughts.  Son in a different continent.  And I hear everywhere of shootings.  Travesties.  Families hurting.  Broken people.  Loosing footing……this holiday….

Snowflakes.  Sugarplums.  Betty Crocker lingering from the oven.  Crafts. Decorations.  Delightful smells.  White Christmas’ filled songs…..

While we still have yet to get presents.  

Everywhere it seems, addicts wandering.  Dad in store…son begging. Look on his face told his son he’s not getting any. Presents this Christmas. Cupboards empty.  Widows lonely.  Others frantically scrimmaging to buy the perfect Christmas.  While t.v. flashes images of Hollywood fantasies and false realities.  Saying…..

“Look, this is the way Christmas is supposed to be.”

But sometimes, Christmas doesn’t go our way.  Sometimes, seasons don’t look like a fairy-tale, picture book image with, “It’s a Wonderful Life” ending.  Sometimes, what we expect.  And what others expect.  And what the season expects.  Doesn’t turn out the way we want it to…..

And that is o.k.

I doubt Mary imagined riding on a donkey her last term.  Sleeping in a manger.  Or nursing The King of Kings, Lord of Lords…..in a smelly barn.

I mean, where was Good Housekeeping then?

Did Jesus demand presents, and showers of man made attempts at eloquence?

I doubt it.

In fact, the few who came….were only those who could see past worldly steeples.  Kingly presentations.  Having eyes of the Spirit.  To truly see what an eternal revelation. Jesus is.

I mean….So many missed it.  The real meaning….that is.

And I don’t want to be the one caught up.  While the star above shines bright.  The one to miss the angels as we approach the season where our Savior was born, giving us birth to a delivered life.

And I don’t want you to miss it too.

  • Maybe your seeped in sorrow, or loss.  
  • Maybe your riddled in guilt because your having cyclops Christmas.  Like mine.  
  • Maybe you are facing a diagnosis.  
  • Maybe your burden because your children are wandering.  
  • Maybe your faced with a job loss.  
  • Maybe it’s hard because you have moved to a place where everything is new…..

But in all our differences, with all the craziness of the holidays season….Jesus is still alive and working. And He is the only thing of any credible significance.

  • He is still peace.
  • He is still Emanuel.  God with us.  
  • He is still The Good Shepard who will never leave or forsake us.

And He rests.  Still alive.  Fully awake.  In us.  Swaddled in goodness.  Cradled in grace.

He resides in the simple.  Speaks to the humble.  He offers His presence…..even when we come to Him.  With nothing.

I mean….

I think, somewhere along the way. We got it wrong.  It’s like we have to earn Christmas…..with presents and shopping, and cooking, and decorations…..

Like we have to earn Jesus….

When He has been there all along.

And if our Christmas is no more than a simple song to our Savior.  As we bend a knee, take time to remember…..

The simple presence.  Of Jesus.  Christmas can be so much more than the one that gets lost…..

In the trying.  And doing.  And striving in a world of make believe that we can never compete with.

A baby is Christmas.  

And this season….no matter what your holiday looks like….

You will still see our flawed, imperfect, non-commercial family standing around our hand drawn sign, with our children…..


“Happy Birthday Jesus”….because…presents or not.  Fixed tree or not.  Perfection or not….

Jesus + Nothing = Everything

Join us in celebrating The One who brought restoration. Healing. The one that we celebrate.  The real meaning….

Of Christmas.

(Linking with Michelle @ GracefulOn, In, & Around Mondays)

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  1. I have no words worthy of commenting on this —
    HE truly is the reason for this season, decorations, presents, cards…they are nothing without him.

    I pray you find peace this season.

  2. I also have a Martha Stewart idea of Christmas in my mind–but each year I let something go . . . each year I let myself move closer to seeking the perfect rather than being perfect.

    Be Blessed.

  3. OneMommy – Amen…all is nothing…without Him.

    Renee – Thanks! Ya, losing expectations. That’s a difficult one for me. Working on it…through grace…

  4. I was so solemn as I read. (It is a solemn time this year.) And then I came on these words: “Where was Good Housekeeping then?” and just broke out in laughter.

    Exactly. Where? And Martha-Steward do-the-frills-just-so perfection? I have to say I’ve shed a lot of this in recent years, and it has blessed me! Then this year I went and got sick besides. I can guarantee my house wouldn’t mock you this Christmastime! And may I say, you may find this the most meaningful Christmas of all! May be so! God bless!

  5. Sylvia – You are right, it is a solemn time, isn’t it!? Yet, regardless of house not done….Martha Steward not showing herself in my home…Lol…I will choose joy! Joy this season. Because it’s about Jesus. Nothing else. Amen!?

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