When Righeousness and Peace Kiss.

Mercy and truth have met together
              Righteousness and Peace have kissed.

                            Truth shall spring out of the earth
                                              And righteousness shall look down from Heaven.
                                                                Yes, the Lord will give what is good.
                                                                               And our land will yield its increase.
                                                                                                   Righteousness will go before Him.
                                                                                                                 And shall make His footsteps our path.

So, my daughter was peering over my shoulder and read these words out loud in my rough draft.  Knowing that I write she said with a wild joy that rarely accompanies such a sight… 

“Mom, I love this!”

“You do?”  I replied.  “Good”.  I like it too.  “Do you know who wrote it?”

“No”, she fumbled. “Not you?”


“David who?”  She persisted.

“King David!”

“From the Bible?”  Inquisitive.

“Yes. Psalms 85”

And as poetry sometimes seems to be outdated.  The greatest Words still flow the best from those divinely inspired.  Those words that stick in your head.

Because they are God’s.  God.  As the Word was God. The Word is God.

And I agree with my teenager, still shocked at the beauty of  how righteousness and peace kiss.

That of all the eloquent and beautiful things that have ever been said….

God Words. Yes….God’s Word is still the best!

Linking w/ Emily @ Imperfect Prose,
Spiritual Sundays

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  1. Tracy – Yes, I love those God given moments that just let Him shine!

    Brian – Amen…”He set the standard for poetry.”

    Emily – Bless you also, fried.

    Karen – Thanks.

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