The One Thing That Determines Your Destiny

I have heard it said, “What you read, where you go, and who your friends are will determine who you become.” And I am not too sure.  But, I know. I have learned to pick my literary choices and my friends very carefully.  Because I thought, education was my redemption.  And from a girl who struggled […]

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I Lied when I said I would NEVER take an older foster child

That was one thing I said I would never do.  Yes, I would stretch myself, open my home, care for the infant like God wanted me to…. But I said it…“I will never have an older foster child.” There can be attachment issues. Past histories of abuse. So much baggage that I questioned His power through […]

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When Jesus Passes By You

I stand in a circle over the accused.  Holding what I think is redemption in my hand.  Sharp edges.  Mine has some.  But then… does my own soul. And I see the guilty.  There on the ground.  Grasping for dirt to cloth himself in. Incapable to run.  This time. And I marvel at the fact that […]

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