When You Air Your Dirty Laundry For All To See

“How are you?”  I hear with unsympathetic contempt.  From the one with twisted intent. Those that you try to run from when church service is over. You know them?

And tight grips that once kept my life circumstances from slipping through gossiping lips……does not work anymore.

Palms are open.  My story is out there for all to see.

And I try with all my might…….loving…..those eagerly spreading “prayer requests” for their own personal benefit.

Yet, God has given me grace for this.  Of that, I am certain.  And so I hold onto truth…..as if it was my very breath.

Clinging to the fact that……..airing dirty laundry…..is so much freer that keeping it bundled in a basket where no body can see it. 

Left there. Unnoticed.  Pretending that dirty laundry doesn’t stink.

And how transparency breeds transparency.  And how sin is meant to strengthen us so we will learn how to walk in personal freedom.

Victory. With….


And how our stories become our testimonies. Our Redemption.  If we let them.

Being honest…..so much more freeing than coming to church and just pretending……that everything is alright.

And the eggs that I once placed  tight under my wings….have either grown legs and walked away.  Or have been cracked for all to see.

But, I don’t care.

And as I share with the world my testimony. So many divulge that their baskets aren’t neatly tucked away with flawless eggs like many thought.


Many just fear truth. Deny their pain.  And in doing so, ignore the stench of broken eggs.

And instead live in secret.  And find and paint rocks….white……placing them underneath them.  Presenting them safely under their wings…..so that everything will look alright.

On the outside.

But, I have never been good at living a lie.  I like it….  Real.  Honest.  Open. Wearing what I am.  Even if I am standing there. Alone. Naked.

And oh, how I can relate to those that play games. And live lies. And hide in fear. Just to put on a good image for those that lack grace for the fallen.

It’s so much easier.

And, I am learning with my broken eggs…..to not just sit there….and stare at them…..and become a spectacle of my brokenness……But to make scrambled eggs. When life gets messy.

And above all……..to keep on worshiping.

For true victory is not in the dynamics of family.  Or the perfection of our household.  Or the way in which we portray ourselves to the world.  

But, whether we will keep worshiping…..despite it all.

So, I stand tall.  Apart from my circumstances.  Pointing high in worship to the one who promises……that on this tight rope I walk upon in this life….that I will never fall.

He is the cord gripping.  Tight. I can almost feel Him.  And it is beautiful.  It is o.k.  It is safe.  I can once and for all let go.  And trust Him.

And church ends.  I am Hungry.  One’s look upon me.  Puzzling.

And I hear them say……”How can you be so happy?”  And I know what they are thinking……My world is lain out like dirty laundry for all to see it…

Yet, I am still smiling.

And then a near stranger comes up to me and says…….

“You look so radiant.  You are beaming today.”

And I don’t know what to say?  I want to laugh and show them my personal resume of the hardships and my pain.

But, all I can do is point to Jesus.

And God is grace.  He is with us.  Of that much for sure. I am certain.  So I smile graciously.  And desperately desire to say…..

I can worship…..We all can….when we know that we know….that God saves….and that He is good despite it all.

And I walk away…knowing…..God calls us on different journeys. Though He is with us each one individually.

Because this life and all we endure is simply for a season.  Only for a day…..


God is good…..


It’s all going to be o.k.

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  1. And above all……..to keep on worshiping.
    Jen, I love this. For I too have broken eggs under my wing AND walking away. Keeping it inside doesn’t work because it means others are not praying for my precious boys. And, transparency does breed transparency.
    Unlike you, I kept everything inside far too long. Opening up is a release.
    I pray with this comment that God meets you and that things do begin looking up

  2. Wow! This really speaks to me. Thank you for sharing! I, too, have kept broken eggs under my wings too long. I let fear of judgement and the ridicule of others shut me down. I’m finding my way back out. It’s not easy, but they Light is still there.

    As part of that, I’m trying to contact all my readers who had previously subscribed to my old blog (Gold to Refine). That blog has been shut down and is no longer accessible and nor will I be posting to it anymore. I have, however, moved to a new location and am blogging much more frequently now. http://fromsurvivaltoserenity.blogspot.com. If you haven’t already found me, I’d love to have you join me at my new pad!

    If you have links to my old blog (such as in a blogroll or whatever), please remove them. Do, however, feel free to share links to my new location, though.

  3. Shanda – Thank you so much for sharing your heart. I think we all keep broken eggs under us for far too long sometimes. Thankful for sisters like you that do not fear transparency and live to share God’s truth despite the pain. Blessings.

    Diana – Thanks for coming by. Will be sure to check out your sight. Have a blessed day!

  4. Simply beautiful. I loved one of your last lines. “Because this life and all we endure is simply for a season. Only for a day…..”
    I am now one of your newest followers. It is so nice to meet you.

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