A Journey in Joy: No Editing Allowed.

We all know people who are going/or have gone through some terrible things….cancer, loss of a loved one….terrible tragedies that would shake the common “man”.

But yet, they fight on. 

They not only “hold their own”….but…
                                            Rise above.
                                                            Walk in love.
                                                                              Further propel the Kingdom as a result of this stuff.

And I know someone myself.  Dear One. Been through tragedy one.  Yet, she pours out her heart one….ministering to children.

Instead of destroying….like the enemy wants her to do….

Rising in faith, she has learned the “Cling To” that is necessary in this life. 

And her faith has taught me….

We must move on.  Look up.  Rise above whatever comes.   Simply because…..

He is strong enough.  He is faithful enough.  He is courageous enough….

To carry us through every storm…..on wings like eagles.  And we will soar.  By Him.  Through Him.  On all He is….

So today I join Gypsy Mama at Five Minute Friday, writing for five minutes without any editing in order to stimulate creativity.  My own person hope….to write better.  Here are the rules.    
1. Write for 5 minutes flat โ€“ no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.

2. Link back here and invite others to join in.

3. Go a little overboard encouraging the writer who linked up before you.

The word prompt today is:  “JOY”.  Ready! Set! Go!

“The joy of the Lord is my strength!”  

Memorized in sunday school. 

Stories of joy bubbling over and missionaries coming telling stories of the miraculous workings of Our God.  And this joy prevailed in my soul.  I knew that any people stuck in the middle of Africa could not have joy unless it was the Lord.

And I remember Paul and Silas….singing….in prison.  And I know to sing in such circumstances would not be possible without joy.

The second of the fruits of the Spirit.  Joy.  And once I heard they came in order….Love….JOY.  Is it so?

Is joy not a conditional, once in a while, whenever times are good type of emotion following what we have or haven’t gone through? 

Or is it solid….like a rock?  Like THE rock?  Unshakeable.  Sustainable. Unconditional to our circumstances?

With pastors wife a few nights back, her mentioning….Christianity is not a journey through martyrdom or masochism…..a way of only pain and suffering….It is a way of love.  It is a way where joy prevails through all circumstances of life.  We are meant to have joy overflowing….

And Jesus…did He not bring joy wherever He went?  Healings….did not people sing and repent….and dance….I would presume….  That is what I would do!  If I was blind and could see…..or a leper set free….

It’s what I do….because of the joy of the Lord in me……


O.K. so this is only my second time ever doing this.  Didn’t flow quite as I had hoped…but it was most definitely fun!  Thanks Gypsy Mama!

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    you capture words in such a way. even though this is “only” your second time, you have grasped the concept flawlessly.

    bless you, precious one.

  2. Barbie – Thanks for the encouragement.

    Rachel – I don’t know…if you ask me…a work in progress. But thanks for the generous compliment anyway. Bless you today. ~ jen

    Kerri – So thankful He is SOLID…in this not so solid world! ๐Ÿ™‚

    T – Thanks. So glad to have you reading.

    Lots of love to each of you ~ jen

  3. Hi Jen,
    This is so inspirational and has lifted my spirit today. You are so right, there has to be a Supreme Being that keeps us going and helps us to find joy even after going through difficult times. I know this so well as I can smile and laugh today despite losing an identical twin sister. It is something that one has to experience to fully understand but only my Christian faith could have brought me through. Thanks for such a wonderful post! May God Bless you and have a great weekend.

  4. Another blogger challenged me to try this…blogging is a stretch for me…so this has been somewhat easier for me…just writing from my gut…better for a non-writer. you friend write better in 5 mins. than some of us would with no time limits. Good words…I spent too much of my walk focusing on the “martyrdom” side of faith…but by God’s grace..Love and Joy are the truths that are filling my soul:)
    Blessings and happy weekend.

  5. Judy – Your comment so touched by my heart. I also read it to my husband and we were both so moved by your testimony of His grace on your life…and the joy that you have found though going through such hard circumstances. Believing many will read this and see His goodness…as your words have made you such a mighty witness. A big hug to you, my friend & sincere thanks for your willingness to share. ~ jen

    Ells – I see His love and grace in your writing & can so relate with you the “martyrdom” mentality. Thankful for His freedom today, with you, my sister. ~ jen

  6. Hi Jen – that scripture is the one I always tell myself when I need His strength – the JOY of the Lord is my strength
    God bless and have an awesome weekend

  7. Corabeth, Chloe, Rebecca, Brae, & Newbie – Thanks for the visit and the new follow!

    Soraya – Thanks for reading.

    Tracy – Such a great reminder…the joy of the Lord is my strength!

    Pamela – How wonderful that you can partake in His incredible freedom!

    ~ jen

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