On Fire

Burn.  Burn. Burn like a flame. 

Inside me….Ignite me.

Not just during worship. Or church. Or with others. But through the mundane…..The valleys of life….Through the pain.

Show me your goodness when eyes, blind with pride. Self. Delusions of grandiose proportions…empty self importance.

Burn away the lie that I am the significant center which makes the universe revolve.

When I am no more than a servant.  A bondservant.  A slave to Your Words, Your ways, Your will.

I surrender still. Though I long for completion. Your are working.  Still.

Let me not shrink back, when others step in…. Appear to win….And try to douse your glory.

Implore me…..To stand.  

Stand in the fire. Ignite me Lord.

Ignite me when my hands are worn, my heart is torn, my person tattered and scorn.

I care not for glory of men…for them.  I love you and only you.

You are the way, the light, and the truth.

You are the fire burned ablaze in me.  My flame. My saving grace. My everything.

You inspire me. Because you stood. When pierced. When crucified.  When betrayed.  When misunderstood.   
You stood.

Light amongst the flame.

Burn ablaze….in me.

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