Feathers of Adoption

Little chicks.  Hatched. From their walls of hindrance, keeping them from the open air, the sunlight, the freedom to stretch, explore, know.

Their mother, a voice, speaking while they hide, tucked inside.  Knowing each one, by smell, chirp, and life.

Then they come. The new, little ones. No mothers, no home.  Alone.

Will she take them under wing? Give them everything they need?  Make them her own?


A story, our family has told.  Declaring His story….His story of us.  The story of love.  And how He found us…and brought us home.

Our family, a patchwork of colors.  Mother, Father, sisters, brother. All adopted.  All received. By a loving Savior.  Father.  King.

Yet, I watch.  Praying, the story of adoption will take place….with, of all things, chickens.

Can they grasp the importance of growing their fold, embracing more than their own.  Expanding their home?

I hear them chirp. I see their hurt. And I know…there are so many other children out there…without a mom…without a dad….


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