Does the Battle Destroy the Warrior?

I have heard it said, “You can never kill another man without killing a piece of yourself” 

Is it true? 

When we hurt another, maim another, destroy another, we are obliterating a piece of who we are?

Christ came to give life and life abundantly.

Yet, man destroys life?  Kills? Mains?  Not just with guns and bombs…But with weapons called offense; condemning words, judgmental looks, purposeful pains?

Today, Memorial weekend, we celebrate all who died.  But my Grandfather, who fought in World War II, long before the war died.

His metals and honors from front line battles, didn’t take away his fears that he drowned with the bottle.  It didn’t free him…even if it freed others.  It didn’t heal him, even if it liberated others. It was his end.  His nightmares.  His loss.  His own demons.  His best friend shot fighting next to him…in the head.  A terrible death.

But, yet, we are free.  Our country. Our being.  Of religion. Of speech.  We celebrate this day when they died….so that we could live.

But isn’t that what Christ did?

Isn’t, “No greater love than this, he who would lay down his life for a friend.” And isn’t that what our men of war did?  Lay down their lives…not just for a friend…or many friends….but their country?  Our country. Isn’t that love?  Greater love.  Selfless surrender.

Ancestors and now immigrants flock to our ways. They long for our liberties.  Riding boats across the seas.  Hiding in cars, running across boarders.  Trying to get away from the tyranny in their world.

So, do I advocate war?  I don’t know. Do I lay a hold of the freedom it brought me?  Indeed. Can our family heal from the disease, brought on by the battle field?  With Jesus as our Savior…Yes!  We have!  We will!  Indeed. 

But, do I still think that hurting another brings the one who harmed them death? 

I would be a liar, unless I confessed….yes.

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